How do I exchange an item?Updated 3 years ago
To exchange your item (i.e. for a different size, colour etc.) you will need to ensure the item you are exchanging satisfies our Returns Policy. You can submit a request by going to Contact Us > My Orders. Please note you will need to include the original invoice number, as well as your desired exchange item (colour, size etc.) in order to avoid delays in processing. Please note that it is your responsibility to check our store and ensure your desired exchange item is in stock.
You should immediately receive a confirmation email with Case Number. Please return your item and clearly write the Case Number on your original receipt.
You will be responsible for paying your own shipping/insurance/packing/tracking costs for the return of your item, as well as shipping costs on the desired exchange item. Please note, our shipping costs are non-refundable.
Please address returns to:
SMAI Pty Ltd
Attn: Returns
93 Jardine Street
Fairy Meadow NSW 2519
Once we receive your return, we will inspect the item and process your exchange. You will receive a new email confirming your exchange order, which will include additional shipping costs. You can pay for this using the link attached in the email which will redirect you to our payment gateway. Please note, you will be required to pay these shipping costs before we dispatch your order.